Start attracting better clients, cases and referrals now! |
Launch your own law podcast
in as little as a weekend.
This cost-effective, yet under-utilized marketing tool gives you an unfair advantage and gets you noticed so you stay top-of-mind with prospective clients and referral sources.

Gordon Firemark
From The Desk Of Gordon P. Firemark, Esq.
-Los Angeles, California
Dear fellow attorney,
If you're a lawyer who feels you're not earning what you could or not doing the kind of work you find fulfilling, this message is for you.
Whether you're in a solo, small-firm, or a biglaw environment, it's easy to feel stuck, stagnant, and frustrated with traditional law-firm marketing strategies.
But it doesn't have to be this way.
Read on, and I'll show you...
An amazing, easy to implement marketing strategy that is fun and rewarding and will attract more good clients and referrals.
We've all been there. We've all felt stuck, stagnant, and fearful about our future. It seems like there's not enough business, and what business there is is marginal at best. It's harder than ever to attract the best clients and to get the good referrals.
It's not your fault. they didn't teach marketing and sales in law school. So, you've copied what other lawyers and law firms do. You spend thousands of dollars building a Website, and then thousands more on SEO "experts" who propose dubious strategies, and can't show you a measurable return on investment. Maybe you run ads in the yellow pages, newspapers and maybe on radio and TV. Expensive... and I'll bet if you asked those other lawyers, they'd tell you that they don't really feel their efforts and investment are paying off.
A few years ago, that's where I was. I had some clients, but I was practicing "doorway" law. (You know, anything that came through the doorway). I was making ends meet, but just barely. My savings was dwindling, and I was frustrated and depressed about where my practice was going.
I'd thought about throwing in the towel and getting a "regular" job, or trying a different practice area. But truthfully, I'd sort of just resigned myself to staying stuck where I was, doing the same unfulfilling work, and slowly inching toward a nervous breakdown or a midlife crisis.
And then I discovered something that literally
changed the course of my practice and my life.
My name is Gordon Firemark. I'm a solo practice lawyer in the fields of entertainment and intellectual property law, and I've been podcasting as part of my business development strategy for over 10 years now.
I got started with podcasting as a guest on someone else's show, and quickly got hooked. That was a show for Videographers, and each week, the host would round up a bunch of frequently-asked legal and business questions from his audience, and we'd go through and answer them. It was fun, easy, and it was good for business. Within just a few weeks, the phone had started ringing... And these videographers were asking me for my help. Because they'd listened to me talk, they already knew, liked and trusted me... Before we ever actually talked in person.
So after a while that host took a new job that didn't allow him to continue podcasting, so we stopped... But I had the bug... And before long, I was craving it...
So I started the first of my own shows.
That one is now my flagship podcast, called Entertainment Law Update, where with a co-host, I do a monthly roundup of entertainment law news, providing our own commentary and analysis, and sometimes just having a little fun with the subject matter. We bring on guests from time to time, and it's been great for referral business. I can point to at dozens of clients who've come to me directly and through referrals from people who "know" me because of the podcast.
I've also got a show called Entertainment Industry Insights, where I interview thought leaders in the entertainment industry. (My Ideal Clients, right?) And you know what? It's been the best thing I could've done. I can honestly say that all but one of the people I've interviewed for that show has either become a client, or referred people to me.
Here's why it works: I identify someone I'd like to interview, (who just happens to be someone I'd like to land as a client, too) and I send them a quick email, just inviting them for the interview. I tell them a little about me, my audience, and my intentions (for the podcast), and then we schedule the conversation. I'm GIVING them something valuable, and I'm not asking for anything more than a little bit of their time.
But, it gives these folks a chance to get to know me a little bit, and when I follow up after the interview, they remember. And, if I take a strategic approach to that follow-up, I can keep in touch over the long term... And that leads to affinity, and yes... New business.

So... How do you get started with podcasting?

Back in ancient times, like when I first launched Entertainment Law Update, it was pretty tricky. You had to set up a website, with a blog, and then you had to take the output from that blog and turn it into a specially formatted RSS Feed. And that sometimes meant having to get in and tinker with the XML Code inside that feed. And then you had to get that feed into iTunes and other podcast directories.. So it could be found and indexed, and subscribers could access your episodes. And of course, you actually had to record, edit and process those episodes.
That was then...This is now
Nowadays, of course, you still have to do all those things, but the tools to do them have gotten so simple, it's now surprisingly easy to get set up. Using commonly available tools like WordPress blogging software and some simple plugins, almost all of the heavy lifting is done for you. You literally set it up once, and then forget it.
You still have to actually produce the episodes, but even that is easier nowadays. And, over the past 10 years or so of podcasting, I've figured out a streamlined workflow that lets me get episodes done in just minutes after I finish recording. Now, I had a background in broadcasting before I started law school... But you don't have to. The new technologies developed over the past few years have really leveled the playing field. Now... If you can operate a word processor or a spreadsheet, I'm confident you can handle producing a podcast.
So, now I can plan out an episode, record it, and have it published, all in about an hour, or two, if it's a long episode.
And I can teach you how to do the same. I can give you proven workflows that allow you to create this highly valuable online content. Content that can help you be more visible, more searchable, and more effective on the web.
But you know the best part of podcasting? It's fun. I have an absolutely terrific time when I'm creating my episodes. I'm meeting great new people, talking about subject matter I really care about, and creating valauble web content that increases my profile and search engine placement.
And here's the big secret...
Podcasting is easy.
It's much easier to speak into a microphone than it is to sit down and write a blog post. It allows me to be more myself, too.
Let's face it, when lawyers write, we write stodgy. And, we agonize over every syllable of what goes down on paper... But most of us are really good conversationalists. So, when our prospects and referral sources HEAR our voices talking about the issues they're dealing with.. They will be drawn to us very differently than if they were reading what we write. So, we become that likeable expert that clients want to hire.
So if you're with me... you can start to see all that podcasting has to offer.
With all this potential, it's a real shame that more lawyers aren't using this medium to grow their authority, enhance their images, and build their businesses. But that just makes now the perfect time to get started.
That’s why I created a video training course that will teach you my own podcast creation system so you can leverage the power of podcasting to get more good clients and referrals for your business
Power Podcasting for Lawyers
Inside this one-of-a-kind membership community and training program, I’ll give you a complete, step by step system that will SHOW you how to plan, produce, and publish your podcast, so you can reach a highly targeted, intensely interested audience and demonstrate that you are THE lawyer with the solutions to their problems.

Here's What's Inside
Why Power Podcasting for Lawyers?
- Positioning - When you host a podcast, you position yourself as the "go-to" lawyer within your practice area, so you attract more of the right kinds of clients and referrals.
- Save Time - Using our tested podcasting system, you'll be able to release new episodes regularly, building trust with your audience.
- Professional Quality - Power Podcasting for Lawyers shows you how to produce a high-quality, professional sounding pocast that enhances your image and reputation.
- Greater Reach - Podcasting extends your reach, allowing you to communicate your message to a broader, more targeted audience of people intensely interested in your subject matter
- Save Money - Power Podcasting for Lawyers shows you exactly what equipment, software and services you'll need to deliver a great podcast, with recommendations for every budget range. Get started for under $200!
- Leverage - Podcast content can easily be leveraged by adapting into blog posts, videos, slide decks, and more.
- Project Success and Confidence - Producing and hosting podcasts positions you as a subject-matter expert, and projects a professional image of success and confidence
- Better Leads, Prospects, Referrals and Clients - When your audience hears you speaking as an expert, in your authentic voice, they come to know, like and trust you, all before they've even visited your office.
- Search Engine Optimization - When you publish podcast episodes accompanied by robust show-notes or transcripts, your content is quickly indexed by search engines, making it easier for web users to find you when searching in your topic area.
- Help More People - By presenting useful, actionable information in your podcast, you help people solve problems.
- Learn Your Way - Lesson materials are available in multiple formats, Video, Audio, and Transcripts, so you can learn in whatever mode best suits you. Watch video at your desk. Listen to Audio while you commute or exercise. Or read.
- Fast and Easy - Power Podcasting for Lawyers lessons are short, easy to digest, and easy to implement through clear action steps.
- A Complete System - The Power Podcasting for Lawyers course provides a complete system for creating podcast episodes efficiently and consistently.
Don't take my word for it.
Here's what a few highly successful lawyers have to say...
It [Podcasting] gets me connected with people...
Flavia Berys, Lifestyle Solopreneur Podcast
To humanize yourself, and to become an authority while also being a human being that people can relate to [with a podcast]… is a great thing to do.
Zachary Strebeck, Legal Moves Podcast
It gives [Clients] confidence in my skills as an attorney.
Nicole Wipp, Smart Planning 101
I'm finding that I'm actually connecting with business people who start to know, like and trust me because they get a sense of who I am
Nick Pavlidis, Young Lawyer Marketing
[Podcasting] is the single, greatest thing I've ever done for my practice.
Josh Brown, Franchise Euphoria Podcast
It's such a great platform to speak your mind and connect with people.
Nicole Abboud, Gen Why Lawyer

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Our guarantee is simple. If you're not satisfied for any reason within 30 days. Just let us know, and receive a full refund.

You're a reflection of what you do. If you're doing your podcast about a given topic... that's who you are
Michael Prywes, How I Broke Into
Act Now to lock in these incredible bonuses:
For a limited time, when you enroll in Power Podcasting for Lawyers, you will also receive:
Bonus #1

Impressive Interviews
This report details best practices for conducting effective interviews that give your audience tremendous value. Revealed inside, you'll find:
- How to attract high-value interview subjects
- How to schedule and plan your interviews.
- How much pre-interview research you really need.
- How to quickly and effectively prepare for your interviews
- What you should never ask in a podcast interview
- How to follow up so your interview subjects will promote your podcast.
Bonus #2
Improve the power of your voice
Hate the sound of your voice? This report uncovers the secrets performers and speakers use to improve the tonal quality, volume and power of their voices, and to get comfortable hearing themselves speak.

Bonus #3

Automation Guide
This downloadable audio program reveals tips, techniques and tools for automating much of your podcasting workflow.
Bonus #4
Podcast, Blog & New Media Producer's Legal Survival Guide
This comprehensive guide is designed to help those who write blogs, host and produce podcasts, distribute video or other media via the Internet, easily avoid the most common mistakes and pitfalls that lead to threats, recriminations and lawsuits. But it's mercifully brief. No long-winded legalese here. Just an easy-to-read, and easy-to-understand presentation of the key information you need, so you can quickly and easily implement best practices and stay clear of trouble.

Isn't it time you took your practice marketing
to new levels of success?
Podcasting is the perfect strategy to do just that!
Sign up now and you’ll have a step-by-step system that makes it easy to create new episodes, over and over, and over. That's more and more content piling up for the search engines to index, and for your prospects to find... And as any marketing or advertising expert will tell you, repeated impressions are the most important thing you can do to build your brand and stay top of mind with your audience, so when they need help, or to make a referral, they turn to you.
When you are that GO-TO lawyer, you'll have greater freedom than you ever thought possible.
Imagine how it will feel to have
so many great clients ready to hire you...
...that you can pick and choose the ones that are most profitable, most interesting, or just the ones you like the best.
All this training.. All these resources are available to you right now. All you have to do is click on the link or the button below to sign up.
Now, you COULD sign up for one of those other podcasting courses out there... They're good programs, but let me tell you, they're not tailored for lawyers, and they're really not tailored for podcasting when you've got a busy life, a law practice, and a family to manage.
Those other podcasting programs cost several thousand dollars, and in the end, you're still left to figure out how to do this stuff while staying in the bounds of legal ethics.

The only podcasting course specifically tailored to attorneys, and our professional responsibility obligations.
With Power Podcasting for Lawyers, you're getting a program that's custom designed for busy lawyers by busy lawyers who know how challenging it can be to juggle our client service, practice management, marketing, , partners, family, and other responsibilities. You don't want to take on another "hobby" that's going to require a big investment of time and money. You get a streamlined approach that has you up-and-running fast, at low cost. And we show you how to develop an easy, repeatable workflow, so creating your content becomes a pleasure... Something you look forward to, and that doesn't require big chunks of otherwise billable time.
Join Power Podcasting For Lawyers today, and have your podcast up and running by next week.
If you enroll now, you get the entire Power Podcasting for Lawyers course and the bonuses listed above for just $597.
You'll have your content generating machine, your very own law podcast, up and running in no time.
You'll see your practice growing with better quality leads, referrals and clients, and I'm willing to bet you'll have lots of fun along the way.